Matrix or grid-style items in the Next Generation NCLEX test plan require exam candidates to consider multiple variables. These variables may include symptoms, vital signs, or laboratory values in the context of a clinical scenario. Exam candidates are required to identify if each variable should be categorized as one of 2 or 3 options such as normal versus abnormal or elevated versus decreased or unchanged. This new style of item creates an opportunity to develop active learning strategies for nursing students to build their clinical judgment skills and prepare for the NCLEX. An in-class activity, titled "Next Gen Navigators," was developed for prelicensure BSN students to practice making matrix or grid-style item decisions. Students used directional navigation arrow signs as a tool to participate in class. The arrows were used to indicate elevated, decreased, or unchanged vital signs and laboratory parameters as well as improving or worsening signs and symptoms. The instructor presented a case scenario as it would appear in a matrix or grid-style exam item. The instructor then presented the variables of the item, and the students used their directional arrows signs to respond to each variable. This activity required students to engage with the instructor and each other as they practice clinical judgment. This strategy also allowed for the instructor to assess student comprehension of class content in real time.