Professional Nurse Resources

Nurses impact healthcare in many roles and across practice settings. Nurses consider the social determinants of health to provide holistic care, they strive to promote health equity, and from the bedside to the boardroom, the leadership of nurses impacts change.

Lippincott NursingCenter is here to help you pursue and achieve your professional goals while optimizing patient care and outcomes. Learn about issues and trends in nursing in our monthly From the Desk of the Chief Nurse series and delve into our professional nurse resources below.

From the Desk of the Chief Nurse

Chief Nurse, Wolters Kluwer, Health Learning, Research & Practice

Pursuing career dreams…just do it!

Your nursing career is a journey, and you evolve as you go. My career path is no different. Today I move forward to a new role as a fulltime nurse educator while continuing to practice as a nurse practitioner integrating the art and science of nursing. For every nurse out there, who has a dream of doing something different –  if the opportunity presents itself, just do it! Keep reading...


Explore the professional nurse resources Lippincott NursingCenter has assembled to help you succeed.