
  1. Terzulli, Dawn DNP, RN, PCCN
  2. Smith, Amy MSN, RN, CNE
  3. Klein, Areti MSN, RN

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After many creative attempts to teach dosage calculation virtually, the use of a webcam mirroring device has been a welcomed change. In an ABSN program, faculty used this technology during a virtual semester with a cohort of 90 students. Students reacted with enthusiasm, requesting that faculty use it more often, even when virtual learning was over. During the pilot semester, first-time pass rates on the high-stakes dosage calculations examination increased. An internet search for "webcam mirrors" will yield a variety of these products. Each uses the simple concept of sliding a mirror over the webcam to allow direct visualization of the keyboard. The price point is economical at around $15 for most of the products. Materials can be placed directly on top of the keyboard for learners to visualize. Students were able to follow along with faculty as complex dosage calculations were discussed and solved in real time on their personal laptop screens. Webcam mirroring provides students with the opportunity to clearly see the calculation unfold on paper, ask questions, and discuss strategies for preventing dosage calculation errors. The possibilities for utilizing this type of technology are endless, and the results in this course alone supported safe medication administration practices by nursing students.