
  1. Burke, Kathleen G. PhD, RN-BC, CENP, FAAN

Article Content

"Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever!"-Mahatma Gandhi


As I read through the archives of the Journal for Nurses in Professional Development (JNPD), I was amazed at how much we have learned and grown over the last 35 years! I would like to personally thank our former Co-Editors, Susan Bindon, DNP, RN-BC, CNE, and Kari Schmidt, MS, RN-BC, ACC, for their vision and leadership over the last 5 years. During their 5-year tenure, they added new columns and features, mentored many new authors, and published numerous research articles and innovative projects. I would also like to acknowledge and thank our first editor and founder of the Association for Nursing Professional Development, Belinda Puetz, who, for over 30 years, influenced our practice and mentored so many of us. The voice and influence of JNPD has never been stronger!


In January 2019, I started my role as the new Editor-in-Chief of JNPD. I am honored and excited to hold this new role! My vision as Editor-in-Chief for JNPD builds on it legacy as a key resource for our profession. I envision the JNPD as the premier scholarly voice for an evidence-based agenda for nursing professional development practitioners. These are very exciting times for our profession. The National Academy of Medicine has formed a consensus study on setting the vision for the Future of Nursing 2020-2030, and the World Health Organization will be naming 2020 as the year of the nurse! These initiatives will address key issues such as standards of education and professional development for nurses, better working environments for nurses, and advocate for more advanced practice nurses. Nursing professional development practitioners are in the perfect position to play a key role in implementing the recommendations from this work.


I am excited for the future of JNPD and our profession. I look forward to working with our Editorial board, publisher, Association for Nursing Professional Development, and all of you, our current and future authors!


We still have so much more to learn!