
  1. Hickerson, Kirsten A. DNP, RN, CEN
  2. Agosto, Paula M. MHA, RN
  3. Cieplinski, Jean Anne MSN, RN, NEA-BC
  4. Hutchins, Larissa RN, MSN, CCRN, CCNS
  5. Squires, Lisa BSN, RN, CCRN, PHRN
  6. Tsarouhas, Nicholas MD


When nurses are hired for positions that require lengthy, highly specialized in-house orientation, their failure to complete orientation on time can lead to staffing shortages. In this article, we report the use of a transparent tracking system to monitor nurses' progress through a competency-based orientation program. By monitoring progress and detecting lapses, immediate remediation can be offered to those who need it, and staffing shortages thereby are avoided.