
brief intervention, nursing education, Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT), substance abuse, substance use disorders



  1. Knopf-Amelung, Sarah MA-R
  2. Gotham, Heather PhD
  3. Kuofie, Araba BA
  4. Young, Pamela MSN, RN
  5. Manney Stinson, Ronalda EdD, RN
  6. Lynn, Jolene PhD, RN
  7. Barker, Kendra MEd
  8. Hildreth, Jessica BA


Most nursing programs lack curriculum on substance use. This project evaluated 3 didactic instructional methods for teaching baccalaureate nursing students about screening, brief intervention, and referral to treatment for substance use. In-person, asynchronous narrated slides and interactive online instructional methods were all effective in developing students' competency; however, active learning methods (in-person and interactive online course) were more effective in changing students' attitudes about their role in screening and intervening for drug use.