
  1. Ziebert, Carolyn MS, RN, PCNS-BC
  2. Klingbeil, Carol DNP, RN, CPNP-PC
  3. Schmitt, Catherine A. PhD, RN, CNOR
  4. Stonek, Alice V. MS, BSN, CPN-BC
  5. Totka, Joan P. MSN, RN
  6. Stelter, Ashley MS, RN
  7. Schiffman, Rachel F. PhD, RN, FAAN


This descriptive qualitative study explored data from debriefs of all newly hired nurses at 3, 6, and 12 months posthire during a newly designed transition-to-practice program at a pediatric hospital. Four major themes emerged: preceptors, education process, adaptation to the organization, and role transition. Supportive factors included staged orientation, limited preceptors, mentors, regular communication with leaders, and a culture of teamwork. Stressors included too many preceptors, mentorship needs, floating, communication challenges, and organizational changes.