Writing prompts heighten students'; interest in writing and kick-start creativity. Nurse educators can (1) use metaphors to generate a deeper level of thinking and ask students to (2) make connections, (3) support with evidence, (4) question assumptions, (5) compare, (6) take a stance and develop an argument, (7) dismantle the argument, and (8) analyze the opposing view. The following prompts provide a practical illustration of how they may be applied using the subject of hand hygiene. (1) "Hand hygiene is germ warfare: explain this metaphor." (2) "Make the connection between noncompliance with hand hygiene practices and the spread of infection." (3) "In most health care settings, adherence to recommended handwashing practices is low: support this claim with evidence." (4) "Question the assumption that, if properly implemented, hand hygiene can significantly reduce the risk of cross-transmission of infection." (5) "Compare hand hygiene protocols: soap and water versus alcohol-based hand sanitizer." (6) "Make an argument to teach patients to observe if health care providers wash their hands or use an alcohol sanitizer before care." (7) "Break down the argument by answering 'why.'" (8) "Provide an opposing view to that statement with a rationale." Providing nursing students with these writing prompts will not only help them gain confidence and improve their writing but also will make writing fun.
Submitted by: Peggy A. Shaw, MSN/ED, RN, OCN, Mount Carmel College of Nursing, Columbus, OH ([email protected]).