
  1. Puetz, Belinda E. PhD, RN

Article Content

The old saying is something to the effect that the only constant thing is change, and we at Journal for Nurses in Staff Development are not exempt! Once again, you'll notice many changes in your journal. Let me describe a few[horizontal ellipsis]


Of course, the journal looks the same-the last redesign was in 2010, and the look seems to be holding up well. This year, as in 2011, we are focusing on the content to ensure that we are meeting your learning needs. We've added Editorial Board members and have said goodbye to others. We've given several individuals new titles to more accurately reflect their duties with the publication.


And we've taken a giant step into social media, including Facebook and Twitter. Jim Hansen of the Editorial Board is responsible for communicating with readers and others on both Facebook and Twitter about the journal's contents. We'd appreciate your "liking" us on Facebook and following us on Twitter.


And we're pleased to announce that you'll soon be seeing a blog on nursing professional development leadership, written by Kari Schmidt, former president of National Nursing Staff Development Organization (NNSDO), faculty at the annual certification review course at the NNSDO convention, and a valued Editorial Board member for many years. Kari was inspired by the presentation of Michael Bleich, PhD, RN, FAAN, at the NNSDO convention last year, in which he discussed the impact of the Institute of Medicine report on the future of nursing. Dr. Bleich exhorted the audience to seek opportunities to serve as leaders-not merely managers. Kari participated in an educational experience in which she revamped her personal as well as professional life and she'll share that journey with you in her blog, "An Ongoing Journey of Inspiration and Challenge." It's sure to be thought provoking and, it is hoped, motivational. It's our goal to encourage you to embrace the role of leader in your institution and in your community so that nursing professional development specialists truly maximize their circle of influence not only in their workplaces but also in the specialty and the nursing profession.


So in this New Year, as we make our personal resolutions, we're also making a resolution for the journal-to focus on continuously improving the journal's value to you as a professional development specialist. Let us know how we're doing!


Happy New Year!