The #1 Drug Guide for nurses and other clinicians...always dependable, always up to-date! 
In print – and now available as an app!

Look inside the book

45th Edition
ISBN: 978-1975217112
5”x8” ∙ Paperback ∙ 1680 Pages 
Published May 2024

Now in its 45th Edition, Nursing2025-2026 Drug Handbook delivers the most current nursing focused information on more than 3,600 generic, brand-name, and combination drugs in an easy-to-use A-Z format.

  • NEW! Includes 24 brand-new FDA-approved drugs—tabbed and conveniently grouped in a handy “NEW DRUGS” section for easy retrieval
  • NEW! Thousands of clinical updates—new dosages and indications, FDA boxed warnings, genetic-related information, adverse reactions, interactions, nursing considerations, clinical alerts, and patient teaching information
  • Special focus on U.S. and Canadian drug safety issues and concerns
  • Thoroughly updated appendices covering indications and dosages for numerous classes of drugs
  • Plus FREE access to these additional resources available on Lippincott NursingCenter®, including - Monthly FDA updates and news, medication safety information and real-life stories of medication errors


The Nursing Drug Handbook®️ is now also a brand-new app!  

The brand-new Nursing Drug Handbook App contains 100% of the content from the print version of the book – even the images! It’s continually updated, so you can be confident that you always have the most current medication information from the FDA right in your pocket.
And, for nursing students, we’ve included 300 Pharmacology NCLEX® questions!

Download a two-week free trial of the Nursing Drug Handbook App from the App Store or Google Play.

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  Scan the QR code with the camera app on your phone to access the app store.
No credit card required.

Praise for Nursing Drug Handbook!

★★★★★ Nothing like it! The info is available at my fingertips without all of the clicks to somewhere that does not provide the answer.

★★★★★ I have purchased the book every other year for a number of years and it never disappointed. This year, so far, continues that trend. Keep doing what you do! It works well!

★★★★★ I have been a trauma nurse for 23 years. Every year I purchase a new version. It has helped me immensely throughout my career.

★★★★★ Nursing Student's Guide to Success. I bought this just recently for nursing school and it has been an excellent resource for my pharmacology class and SO much more.

★★★★★ More knowledge than I could have ever dreamed of! I'm still in awe of all the knowledge packed into the 1892 pages of Nursing 2021 Drug Handbook. Its much more than I expected. I'm so glad I ordered this book.

★★★★★ I've kept my Nursing Drug Handbook with me on duty and off for decades. It always has just the right information needed to aide practice, avoid errors and bad outcomes; and occasionally back me up when I question practitioner's choices, etc. Love it.

★★★★★ No way to practice in today's nursing world without a great drug reference at your fingertips & available when wifi is not!

★★★★★ I LOVE my Nursing Drug Handbook.


Nursing Drug Handbook Quiz

Test your knowledge of drugs and drug administration with questions from the #1 drug guide for nurses.

Vote now and see how your peers voted!

Which drug is an appropriate choice to relieve pain for a client who is breastfeeding?

New Drug Updates

Get the latest news on New FDA Drug Approvals, New Drug Indications, New Drug Warnings and Drug News Abstracts.

Medication Errors in Nursing

Medication errors can occur during any step in the medication administration process - from the ordering by a healthcare provider to preparation by a pharmacist to delivery to the patient by a nurse.