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[email protected]
I would like to see some research on the incidence of high ACE (Adverse Childhood Events) scores in various populations, to further focus work on how it may be possible to remediate the role that high ACE scores play in health outcomes later in life. ACE includes divorce, an alcohol or substance abuser in the home, witnessed abuse or received abuse, a family member going to prison, and other crises experienced in childhood. These critical experiences are more common to persons who experience chronic disease in middle age and sometimes younger. I think that might explain a significant part of negative health outcomes, as found by the ACE researchers at Kaiser.
6/7/2021 3:04:52 AM

[email protected]
I believe we need to do all the education we are able, and provide the best care we can give without judgement or reservation. However, there is no such thing as "health equity" nor a "right" to such. Health is a choice. Those who choose risky behavior tend to be less healthy. The only way to make all equally healthy is to force the same ill-health on everyone. Let us by all means give everyone equal opportunity, but we cannot force outcomes.
6/1/2021 2:55:59 PM

[email protected]
Looking for reading the updated Future of Nursing Report. I am also interested in educating the healthcare workforce on equity and the challenges our country faces by not doing so. I am involved in several national organizations as the education chair and would like to talk to someone on scheduling webinars on this topic. The groups I represent are case/care management and patient/health advocacy. Thanks in advance.
Please call me to discuss. 954-254-2950
6/1/2021 2:24:50 PM