Lippincott is partnering with
Lippincott Solutions to bring you an inspired nurse’s story every month. Here is June’s nurse story, “Hair and Hospice.” Enjoy!
Hair and Hospice
Marcy Hof, RN
Hilton Head Hospital
Thirty-two years ago when I was 21, I got my cosmetology license and began working in a salon. My father had been diagnosed with malignant melanoma and went from hospital to hospital for different treatments and a clinical trial. It was at that time that I realized how valuable nurses are to the world, and how many different aspects of nursing there are. When my dad got to the point where he needed hospice care, I was the only one who could lift him or clean him up. He would tell people to go away and let me help them because I was stronger than my mom and sister. It was only after he passed away that I went to nursing school. I have been an RN for 24 years and today my daughter is in nursing school too! My father would have been so proud!! It is a very rewarding, frustrating, sad, and interesting career that I am glad I pursued!
To see all 2016-2017 stories or to share an inspiring story of your own about being a nurse, or how you were inspired by another, and enter to win prizes, visit Be sure to check our blog every month for a new inspired nurse’s story.
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