As a leading provider of learning content for nurses, Lippincott® has earned numerous awards and honors, including the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s (ANCC) Premier Award and Accreditation with Distinction. To further our commitment to improving nursing practice, we will implement the internationally recognized language that ANCC has adopted. Nursing Continuing Professional Development (NCPD) will replace continuing nursing education (CNE) on professional development activities, including print and online journals. As we move into 2021, you will begin to see a new NCPD logo on journal NCPD activities.
Another formal change includes a slight revision to the provider accreditation statement which appears on all NCPD articles and courses. All courses will still be valid while new courses will have the following statement: “Lippincott® Professional Development is accredited as a provider of nursing continuing professional development by the American Nurses Credentialing Center Commission on Accreditation.”
Most importantly, we aim to improve the quality of your learning experience by implementing ANCC’s outcomes-based CE model. You will see a noticeable difference in the post tests as we incorporate application-based questions and clinical scenarios. This new format will support retention of learning and improvement in nursing practice for a variety of nursing roles including clinician, nurse leader, educator, and professional development practitioner.
As a Lippincott NursingCenter member, you will continue to have access to the largest collection of nursing NCPD in one location. We are happy to continue to grow, develop, and support you in your professional nursing career.
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