My most memorable mentor has to be my first preceptor after I graduated from nursing school. As a new nurse in the medical intensive care unit, I was pretty nervous and overwhelmed. I had worked in the unit for about a year and a half as a nursing assistant, but I knew how different my role would be as a new RN.
This nurse was literally always teaching. And not just me… anyone who she came in contact with learned from her. She was an expert and I honestly can’t remember a time when she didn’t know something. She sought out new experiences for me and encouraged me to be on the lookout for new experiences throughout my career.
Amazingly, she was able to see patient care from my standpoint as a novice. She started with the basics and was able to help me build upon my knowledge and skills in a way that made sense to me. Later, as I became more confident and comfortable, she would begin her questions to me with “What would you do…” or “How would you know…”
One important quality that stood out about this nurse was her respect for everyone - patients, family members, nurse colleagues, and other members of the healthcare team. She was a good listener, had amazing clinical skills, and a knowledge base that boggled my mind!
This nurse was more than my preceptor, she was a mentor and friend to me. I feel so fortunate to have been mentored by such a wonderful role model. Who is your most memorable mentor?
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