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[email protected]
L'inserimento del neo assunto resta fondamentale per il neo infermiere, per i professionisti esperti e per la sicurezza dei pazienti. Grazie per avercelo ricordato
4/26/2022 8:13:23 PM

[email protected]
Hello Dr. Woods, Thanks for sharing your thoughts and suggestions. As a nurse educator, I believe more need to be done in the way of partnerships between the schools and clinical facilities during and immediately after nursing training. More emphasis should be on skills acquisition and bedside practice.
4/22/2022 5:33:11 PM

[email protected]
Emphasis should also be placed on orienting a seasoned nurse who has been away from the bedside for many years either because of doing indirect patient jobs or who left the nursing workforce for any reason
4/7/2022 8:47:34 PM

[email protected]
Dr. Woods, thank you for writing about what has become a very scary time in nursing. I have more than 40 years of experience in various nursing arenas including teaching at the baccalaureate level which I loved. I am now considering going back to the bedside for various reasons. Regardless of how scary this may be for me, I have 40 + years to draw from; the new graduate nurses have nothing and no one to guide them.

Expecting the bedside nurses as well as a preceptor to pick up where the educational system stops is no longer enough. It is not fair to anyone for the bedside nurse and/ or the preceptor to be expected to complete what the nursing program started. Today, nursing programs are set up to expedite everything. The nursing student must learn more complex diseases and medications, skills, critical thinking, and the nursing process with very little if any actual hands-on patient care and in less time. Expediting a nursing program so the student may complete it in 3 years rather than 4 is not safe and has compounded the concept of nurses “eating their young”.

Time is critical! Safe, skilled, appropriate, compassionate, and empathic nurses are needed NOW!

The general education, not science, prerequisites need to be simplified or eliminated. For a baccalaureate degree, the entire four years need to be spent on nursing! Today, there is not enough time in any nursing program to build a nurse to pass NCLEX, to be able to appropriately assess, intervene with safe, expert skill, provide safe, timely and knowledgeable medication administration, and to complete all the documentation required for any patient!

Clinical time is more challenging than ever to obtain, even before this pandemic. It is time for the hospitals and other clinical facilities to take ownership of the clinical education component of every nursing program. The nursing programs will focus on the theory and reasoning components of the nursing curriculum as well as NCLEX preparation. The facilities will hire and begin to train the nursing students in the clinical component of the nursing program. This will limit the expectations the bedside nurse will have on the learner thereby minimizing the “eat their young” mentality.

The challenges the bedside nurses face today are overwhelming. In addition to being more tolerant of the new learner, the nursing programs must quickly reconsider how the student is taught. This may not be the answer, and neither is expecting so much of the preceptor and bedside nurse. This is beyond being tolerant of new learners.
4/1/2022 10:00:07 PM

[email protected]
With more nursing programs going to 1/3'd or more of the clinical experience being simulation, has there been any recent research on the impact on new graduates clinical skills/knowledge 6 months post graduation?
4/1/2022 2:29:45 PM