The National Council on State Boards of Nursing (NCBSN) defines clinical judgement as the observed outcome of critical thinking and decision making. It is an iterative process where clinical judgement uses nursing knowledge to observe and access presenting situations, identify a prioritized client concern, and generate the best possible evidence-based solution in order to deliver safe client care.
In this video, Anne Dabrow Woods, DNP, RN, CRNP, ANP-BC, AGACNP-BC, FAAN, Chief Nurse of Wolters Kluwer Health Learning, Research & Practice, adjunct faculty for Drexel University, and a critical care nurse practitioner for Penn Medicine, Chester County Hospital, and Desiree Hensel, PhD, RN, PCNS-BC, CNE, Dean of the School of Nursing at Curry College, discuss preparing students to be good decision makers.