The Journal of the Dermatology Nurses' Association (JDNA) is off to a fine start. It will be great fun, as well as hard work, for all of us-the Journal's friends and relations-to be part of its growing up. A journal does not come out of thin air: Dermatology Nurses' Association (DNA) members and others must be encouraged to write and to submit to the Journal. Authors must be mentored; revisions of revisions must be written and edited; and experienced members, authors, and researchers must be encouraged to become reviewers, the unsung standard bearers of a journal's quality, and have their work appreciated.
This issue marks the end of the inaugural year of the JDNA, whose editorial rhythm was syncopated by a change in leadership after the first two issues but which carried on, and has published articles DNA members could be proud to read and "own."
In 5 years, the JDNA will be recognizable as the same journal. It will likely still sport the same handsome red cover and typography. It will aspire to the same standards of excellence and integrity. However, the Journal will, I expect, be considerably more fleshed out, so that comparing the 2014 volume to that of 2009 will be like comparing a kindergartener to her 1-year-old self.
Where the JDNA will be depends on you. I hope that in 5 years, some of you will have become authors for the first time; some who are already published will decide to submit to the Journal. Some of you will become reviewers. Some of you will take part, as leaders or participants, in sessions planned for the 2010 DNA annual meeting to assist new authors and reviewers. Some of you will write letters to the editor; some will become active participants in JDNA online. In addition, some newcomers will read the Journal and anything else they can get their hands on as they enter this wonderful specialty of dermatology. To you-welcome! There is a place for all of you in the JDNA. We need your feedback and to hear how the Journal can serve you. (The editor-in-chief and the editorial assistant can be contacted at [email protected], anytime. Queries from potential authors and reviewers as well as new members are encouraged.)
I hope that in 5 years, the Journal will have some regular features that members will turn to, when they open their new issues, in their hands or online. Proposed new features include Curious Cases; Language of Dermatology, intended to sharpen our dermatological intelligence; a photography/morphology feature; a patient teaching column, including handouts; and dermatology nursing pearls.
JDNA online is already available (, and it will provide tremendous opportunities for our members to actively participate. I hope that in 5 years, will have become a lively forum, connecting readers with the Journal as well as with other members of the dermatology nursing community.
Thanks are due to the publisher and the production editor at Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; to editorial board members; and to our reviewers and authors for their help, flexibility, and wisdom during this first year. Thanks are also due to JDNA readers, who eagerly waited for the delivery of each issue and stood by it as the Journal took its first steps and was seen to be headed in a promising direction. The JDNA still needs you, as it matures.
Barbara B. Starr