
collaborative partnerships, leadership, transformational leadership



  1. Carr, Dana Deravin MPH, MS, RN-BC, CCM


Purpose/Objectives: With a multiple decade's long surge in managed care and the growth of case management as a profession, there is increasing recognition of the leadership role that case managers employ daily as they coordinate and facilitate patient-centered initiatives. Now, more than ever, case managers are being called upon to further expand their leadership capabilities and take a more active role in professional partnering to ensure the continued attainment of clinical, fiscal, and quality outcomes.


Primary Practice Settings: All settings, particularly acute care hospitals and integrated delivery systems.


Implications for Case Management Practice: The collaboration between nurse case managers and nursing administration provides a framework for the establishment of a collegial and supportive working relationship: one that is built on the strength of mutual goals, shared leadership abilities, respect, and professional loyalty.


* Case managers use their leadership ability to advance and support patient-centered care delivery by promoting continuity of care, enhancing communication, and integrating the goals of patient care.


* The utilization of formal and informal leadership strategies provides opportunities for case managers to positively impact the vision and values of the organizations they serve.


* Professional nursing partnerships provide opportunities to actively support, develop, coach, and mentor the larger nursing community.