
  1. Johnson-Otero, Melody M. BSN, RN

Article Content

Dear Editor, The article "Creating a Healing Environment: An Innovative Educational Approach for Adopting Jean Watson's Theory of Human Caring"by Caruso and colleagues in Nursing Administration Quarterly (April-June 2008, pp 126-132) was a breath of fresh air in my opinion. With many hospitals in the process of obtaining or becoming a Magnet status, their article pulled together some interesting points.


I appreciate the "reemphasis on the art of nursing and nursing theory becoming increasingly important."The article emphasized the art of nursing as "the finest of the fine arts," encompassing the soul, mind, and the imagination of nursing practice. I feel like it is very easy to "just do"and not feel when working at such a hectic pace, day in and day out, at the bedside. It is so important to take care of our own mind, body, and spirit in our day-to-day activities as well as those in our care. The authors report about "Caritas"processes, which are described as how nurses may choose to approach their patient and colleagues. One of the clinical caritas emphasizes "assisting with basic needs,"taking care of not only the needs of the patient but also your colleagues for safety, comfort, nutrition, clothing, cleanliness, privacy, and the relationship with others. I expected the article to stress the physical, emotional care of the patient, but when I read colleagues, it made me want to stand up and yell, "YES."


Nursing is not just about doing a mindless job but the actual art of taking care of another human being, a person someone loves. Reading this article made me understand that this is "the caring moment"of Watson's Theory of Human Caring.


This article helped me better understand and apply Caper's "Patterns of Knowing"in nursing. It helps me better understand that bedside nurses use nursing theory and may not even realize it. Thank you for sharing your expert knowledge.




Melody M. Johnson-Otero, BSN, RN