The performance of pancreatobiliary procedures in the endoscopy lab is greatly enhanced by the advancement of equipment and focus on refinement of the physician-biliary team interaction, therefore promoting the execution of procedures and patient care management in an efficient, cost-effective, and competent manner. This presentation will provide a case management approach to selected cases chosen to highlight particular techniques by either live or video demonstration. Opportunity for discussion of cases, instruments utilized, procedural steps, and acceptance of questions from the audience will be provided. Procedures demonstrated will include basic interventions (i.e. bile duct stone management, ductal stenting, malignancy management), as well as some advanced interventions (ie., pseudocyst management, ampullary resection, pancreatic stone management). Efficiency, efficacy, and cost effective components will be woven into the discussion to highlight the importance of the team-centered approach. The approach is heavily dependent upon communication built upon identifying anticipatory behaviors by the team members as well as familiarity in advanced competency skill levels in repetitive instrument manipulations.
Section Description
We are pleased to present the abstracts from sgna's 36th annual course, SGNA: your gateway to opportunity. The diversity of these topics certainly reflects the richness and breadth of our specialty. in keeping with the tradition of the annual course, we hope the following abstracts will encourage discussions for improving nursing practice and patient care outcomes.