
  1. Vilt, Kim BA

Article Content

I recently came across Karen A. Ballard's article "Nurses as Environmental Health Activists" (Environments and Health, May 2008) while doing research for an ethics paper. The nursing profession is new to me-I've worked as an environmental educator and natural resource conservationist for the past 10 years, but now I'm a nursing student. My education and experience have taught me again and again that how we treat the environment has a direct effect on our health and quality of life.


Until reading the article, I'd wrongly believed that standard medical practices were the best we had to offer. I'm happy to learn that this is untrue. Ms. Ballard's article highlights the many environmentally friendly practices that are already available and used by hospitals across the nation. As nurses, we're perfectly positioned to promote change within the workplace and community, and now I feel empowered to do so.


Kim Vilt, BA


Las Vegas, NV


Section Description

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