
  1. Hurley, Janice E. PMHCNSBC

Article Content

Verne Becker, General Editor


1446 pp., Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2006, $24.99, paperback.


Review: As an Associate Professor of Psychiatric Nursing at a Christian college, I look for spiritual care resources to supplement nursing theory. I discovered the Zondervan NIV Recovery Devotional Bible provides for the integration of God's Word, faith, learning, encouragement, and healing.


Although this Bible is written for individuals recovering from addictive and codependent behaviors, its concepts apply to anyone who has experienced life's losses and is facing "recovery." The introduction to each biblical book correlates the book's context with the intrusion of sin while emphasizing God's grace and principles for recovery. A "Where to Turn" index includes topics for individuals who feel abandoned by God, anxious, or lonely; for individuals who are tempted to close off from others, give up on recovery, or try to recover on their own power; and for individuals who need assurance of God's presence, comfort, forgiveness, and healing.


These "Where to Turn" topics reference biblical passages, in-text "Meditations," and "Life Connections." "Meditations" connect an issue with a particular biblical passage, provide a prayer, and identify specific steps of the (spiritual) Twelve Step Recovery Program. For instance, Psalm 13 begins, "How long, O Lord? Will you forget me forever? The "Meditation's" topic is Questioning ourselves: "Why doesn't God help?" "Will my faith survive the struggle?" Steps 3 and 11 speak to turning our will and lives over to the care of God and seeking through prayer and meditation to improve our relationship with God (Alcoholics Anonymous). I have used this "Meditation" with students when introducing the concept of major depression and when co-facilitating a women's codependency support group. The "Life Connections" are brief in-text reflections. For example, Jesus' response to temptation by the devil in the desert encourages individuals in recovery to guard against temptation by turning to God for help.


The Recovery Devotional Bible is an exceptional resource for individuals seeking to follow biblical principles and God's will while recovering from life's trials.


Janice E. Hurley, PMHCNSBC


Associate Professor of Psychiatric Nursing, Roberts Wesleyan College, Rochester, NY.