Flexi-Seal Fecal Management System Advanced Odor Control. This new product is specifically designed to help manage odor associated with fecal incontinence in 2 distinct ways: the new nylon inner odor barrier holds the odor molecules within the silicone catheter, and the device contains a charcoal filter in the collection bag that deodorizes gas as it is released. In addition, Flexi-Seal FMS Advanced Odor Control retains all of the original product benefits of the current Flexi-Seal FMS, which includes safely and effectively diverting fecal matter, protecting patients' wounds from fecal contamination, and reducing the risk of both skin breakdown and spread of infection, such as Clostridium difficile.
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XTRASORB Super Absorbent Dressing. The novel dressing features a polymer-based core that could help change the way clinicians manage heavily exuding wounds. XTRASORB can absorb roughly 50% more than even the most absorbent foam dressing, and the polymer-based superabsorbent core forms a gel that locks all the wound fluid inside the dressing and away from the wound, according to the manufacturer. Potential benefits of this design include reducing the risk of wound breakdown due to excessive moisture and keeping harmful bacteria often found in wound fluid away from the wound.
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