
  1. Moore, Kathleen RN

Article Content

Three years ago, at age 57, I had both knees replaced at the same time and sailed through surgery, recovery, and rehabilitation (Original Research: "Patients' Perspectives on Total Knee Replacement," May). The surgeon noted that because my knees were so badly damaged-no cartilage, and the surface of the head of the femurs was shredded-he was amazed I was able to walk, never mind work as a nurse.


Compared with others undergoing the same procedure, I progressed quickly and with great enthusiasm, which I attributed to my positive attitude and relief from crippling pain. As an RN I also knew what to expect from the surgery and was familiar with the risks, recovery, and rehabilitation procedures. Many people who need knee replacement, however, are frightened by the prospect of this operation because they simply lack the information, assurance, and support they need.


I encourage those in pain to consider undergoing this remarkable procedure in order to recover their mobility, health, and lives. As health care professionals, let's not withhold information or support and thereby limit the number of applicants for this procedure. We should do all we can to help those suffering from joint pain and altered mobility to understand the benefits of replacing their knees.


Kathleen Moore, RN


Shoshoni, WY


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