
  1. Section Editor(s): Falter, Elizabeth (Betty) MS, RN, CNAA, BC

Article Content

Nursing Without Borders [horizontal ellipsis] Values, Wisdom, Success Markers, Sharon M. Weinstein and Ann Marie T. Brooks. Sigma Theta Tau, 2007. Softcover, 296 pages, $49.95.


There are more than 50 contributors, and it is hard not to be impressed with the work that is being done across our borders or as the title says: without borders. And as I write this review, our own Chief Editor, Barbara Brown, is in Doha, Qatar. Leah Curtin takes us to war-torn Croatia as a nurse writer who could create a book to help raise funds and awareness about children injured in the war. Ann Marie Brook's chapter on creating communities of international collaboration tells us how to do so and introduces us to organizations such as the American International Health Alliance, of which nursing is a vital part. Tim Porter O'Grady takes us to New Zealand, where he brought his shared governance model. One of the success stories tells us of a Magnet journey of a hospital in Brisbane, Australia. Chapter 2 takes us back to Florence Nightingale's original vision of global cooperation and introduces us to The Nightingale Initiative for Global Health. In all there are 9 chapters, 8 collaboration success stories, 8 practice success stories, and 8 educational success stories. If your hospital is involved in an international collaboration, if you are interested in doing something global, or if you are a world traveler, this book has something for you. As our world becomes more global, in both positive and challenging ways, it behooves all of us to examine how nursing is contributing. Minimally, we need to understand how a healthy world, a healthy planet impacts us all. I must confess that I for one knew very little of these specific nursing global efforts until I received the book. This is not your ordinary travel book, but it is very educational. Having traveled to many of these places and plans to travel to the rest, it is nice to know about the nursing success stories that are there.