
balanced scorecard, financial indicators, nursing quality indicators, nurse staffing



  1. Hall, Linda McGillis PhD, RN, FAAN
  2. Peterson, Jessica BSN
  3. Baker, G. Ross PhD
  4. Brown, Adalsteinn D. PhD
  5. Pink, George H. PhD
  6. McKillop, Ian PhD
  7. Daniel, Imtiaz MHSc, CMA
  8. Pedersen, Cheryl MSc


This study examined relationships between financial indicators for nurse staffing and organizational system integration and change indicators. These indicators, along with hospital location and type, were examined in relation to the nursing financial indicators. Results showed that different indicators predicted each of the outcome variables. Nursing care hours were predicted by the hospital type, geographic location, and the system. Both nursing and patient care hours were significantly related to dissemination and benchmarking of clinical data.