
  1. Hanna, Jim MSN, CNOR, CRNFA
  2. Letizia, MariJo PhD, APN/CNP


Patients experience more than 700,000 osteoporotic vertebral compression fractures each year in the United States, primarily because of bone brittleness and the inability of the vertebrae to resist increased forces applied to it. Patients diagnosed with this type of fracture are given the option of conservative or operative treatment approaches. Although a typical compression fracture generally heals in 6 to 12 weeks, patients may be offered the kyphoplasty procedure, which reduces the fracture and stabilizes it with cement. Although this procedure is not without risk, it is deemed a safe and effective treatment option. This article reviews the indications, implications, and care provided to patients pursuing kyphoplasty after osteoporotic vertebral compression fracture.