
  1. Martin, Susan Christie MSN, RN
  2. Greenhouse, Pamela K. MBA
  3. Merryman, Tamra MSN, RN
  4. Shovel, Judith BSN, RN
  5. Liberi, Cindy A. BSc
  6. Konzier, Jeannine MEd, RN


Institute of Medicine reports provide evidence of the failings of the healthcare system in the United States and a vision of the required transformation. The Institute for Healthcare Improvement and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation created the Transforming Care at the Bedside initiative in 2003 to develop and validate a process for transforming care in hospital medical-surgical units. The authors describe Transforming Care at the Bedside as implemented by one of Institute for Healthcare Improvement/Robert Wood Johnson's initial pilot hospitals, including promising outcomes and a model for spreading the initiative.