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HPNA Product Information

Compendium of Treatment of End-Stage Noncancer Diagnoses

The compendium is a series of seven books designed to serve as a resource in constructing an appropriate plan of care for individuals and their families experiencing these diseases. Six books-hepatic, renal, heart failure, pulmonary, dementia, and HIV/AIDS-are available. A seventh book-neuro-is coming soon. These modules examine the incidence of each disease process, the pathophysiology of the illness, appropriate assessment techniques, and treatments as the disease progresses. The modules further define the psychosocial implications. Each module specifically questions the potential ethical, economic, and research implications as related to each specific disease process. These books can be ordered separately or as a collection.


Quality of Life Matters(R) When Facing a Life-Limiting Illness

This unique 14-page booklet provides an ideal way to educate patients and families about the choices available to them when facing a life-limiting illness. The booklet explains palliative care, power of choice, patients' rights, and nursing's role in advocacy and development of plan of care.


"Will you help me die?" Audio CD from the 2007 Annual Assembly Pre-conference

This is the most difficult request that those of us in palliative and hospice care may hear. Critical to practice, this CD explores ethical and legal frameworks and assists learners in clarifying personal values as we examine actual cases from both adult and pediatric fields. Listeners will learn practical ways to ensure compassionate responses to the request for hastened death.


All products can be ordered at


Annual Member Appeal

The Annual Member Appeal is one slice of the pie of the total annual appeal for the Foundation. (Other slices are Hospice, Vendor, Friends, and Corporation Appeals.) In requesting grants, membership donations are a key factor for measuring the health of the organization. Funders ask "Do the members themselves believe in the work of their own Foundation? Do they support the cause?" Member donations are urgently needed to demonstrate our commitment to quality end-of-life care. The more donors from the membership, the better! At the time of this writing, 222 members have responded to the 2007 Annual Member Appeal. Of that number, 158 are new donors and 64 have given to the Foundation before. Our hearty thanks goes out to all of them! If you have yet to donate to the Annual Member Appeal this year, please consider that the mission of the Foundation is to provide financial support for the goals of the Association by offering education and research opportunities. This year 21 grants, scholarships, and awards are available. You make a difference in the lives of patients and families at poignant times in their lives. Make a bigger impact by contributing $21.00 or more to HPNF!



Are you familiar with the word? Are you aware that it was added to the Webster's Dictionary? Ginormous is a combination of "giant" and "enormous," and it means very big! The Foundation is hoping to announce in the next Journal issue "Foundation Receives Ginormous Influx of Donations!" Please help by donating to the Annual Member Appeal online at or mail to HPNF, One Penn Center West, Suite 229, Pittsburgh, PA15276. For this every-member appeal purpose, ginormous would exceed the 222 donations received thus far and would be like a mail avalanche in a short 2-month period! Please contribute!


Order Now for Holiday Gifts

Our popular Key to Your Heart cases are available from the Hospice and Palliative Nurses Foundation for a $20.00 donation. They are handy gifts for people "who have everything" because they signify love and care. The heart-shaped metal cases have gold tone and enamel and are topped with a blue butterfly. Three keys that declare your friendship and love are tucked inside. With the "E" key you are giving your friend an errand, the "C" key is a reminder that you will perform a chore, and the "Heart" key signifies your love.


The cases are shipped to you in a beautiful 3-inch square box. Both the box and the heart case are inscribed with the HPNF logo. See a photo on the HPNF Web site at Orders can be placed online or by calling HPNF at 412-787-9301. (No charge for shipping!)


Testing Windows for NBCHPN(R) 2008 Computer Based Testing (CBT)

NBCHPN(R) continues to work with our professional testing company, Applied Measurement Professionals (AMP), toward implementing CBT in 2008! See the following chart for testing window dates and "received by" deadlines for 2008.


1. All candidates must be an HPNA member with a membership number before applying for certification exam in order to receive membership benefit of discounted exam fee. The membership number will be required for the exam application process to receive the discount.


2. Applications will not be accepted before December 1, 2007, and applications are always for the next available window only. The 2008 Candidate Handbook will be available to be downloaded from our Web site at or by calling AMP at 1-888-519-9901 beginning in October 2007.


3. Please be aware that September 15, 2007 is the last paper and pencil certification exam offered by NBCHPN(R). Beginning in 2008, all of our certification exams will be computer based and offered at more than 150 AMP test assessment centers.



Score Reporting for CBT

Scores will be reported for CBT in the same manner as for paper and pencil testing; however, candidates will receive their official score report indicating pass or fail status immediately upon completion of the exam. Test scores are reported as raw scores and scaled scores. A raw score is the number of correctly answered questions; a scaled score is statistically derived from the raw score. The scaled score determines whether a candidate passes or fails the examination, and it is reported as a scaled score ranging between 0 and 99. Equating is a process that is also used in determining a candidate's score. Equating helps to ensure that the scaled passing score represents the same level of competence no matter which form of the examination is taken by the candidate. Content categorical information is provided to the candidates to identify areas of relative strength and weakness; however, passing or failing the examination is based only on the total scaled score achieved by the candidate.


2008 Hospice and Palliative Alternative Recertification for APRNs Now Available

Recertification through the Hospice and Palliative Alternative Recertification (HPAR) method is now available for APRNs. HPAR continues to be an option for recertification for RNs. The appropriate packet and application can be downloaded from our Web site at, or a packet can be mailed by calling the National Office at 412-787-1057. Both groups follow the same timeline.

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