With this issue of JCN we have passed another milestone. As managing editor Melodee Yohe retires March 1, we welcome Cathy Walker to the JCN team. I'd like to stand back and let them greet you in their own words.
Melodee begins
"I'm calling from Bogota, Colombia. Is the job with JCN already filled?"
It was spring 1985. We had only a few months left in our short-term mission commitment when I received my first issue of JCN and saw the ad. I knew I would be out of the technological loop if I returned to my 11-7 ICU staff nurse position in Illinois, and so I was trusting the Lord for direction for my next step. I got excited as I read the ad, thinking, This is me!!
It was-and it has been ever since, except for a two-year absence to serve again in Colombia '89-'91. Being managing editor has been the perfect way to end my formal working career, using all the interests, knowledge and experience that God has brought into my life along the way.
Anticipating fires and putting them out before they're conflagrations is a good description of what I do. I make production schedules and try to see that they're met, in spite of exciting situations like these: "What do you mean you can't find the photo?" "For this cover we need an attractive, young, skinny nurse of Asian descent-by Thursday!!" "Between the acceptance and the editing of the article, the author has disappeared!! If we can't find her, we'll have to pull it!!" "Oh no, we have a last-minute full-page ad-we'll have to carry over that one-page article till next spring. The author's not going to be happy!!"
Somehow, God has always been in control, and each JCN comes together just as our heavenly Editor wants it. My husband teases me that with every issue I comment, "This is the best issue!!"
I am sad to leave because I have loved this job immensely. Being Judy Shelly's coworker and a part of Nurses Christian Fellowship has been a wonderful privilege. But it's time. I look forward to more time with Stan, our children and our grandchildren-and more time to travel, to help with some volunteer ministries, to whittle down the stuff in our house, to make photo albums for our children, to have open-ended times with God.
During these years as managing editor, I have felt like a missionary to nurses around the world. Many nurses tell us that JCN is an important source of encouragement, modeling, information, inspiration and fellowship, guiding them in showing the love of Jesus in their care at critical points in patients' lives. Now, more than ever, that's important. I trust that your support of JCN, its mission and its staff will keep its light burning brightly for many years to come.
Melodee Yohe
And now meet Cathy
From the storehouse of my childhood memories, I recall passing out at the sight of blood. I get squeamish watching television hospital shows. As a regular blood donor, I still look away to avoid seeing the needle insertion. However, when rushing my injured children to the emergency room for stitches or removal of a lodged nickel, I have felt a remarkable sense of calm.
I imagine being a nurse requires steadiness in the storm. My responsibilities as the new managing editor of JCN also require a steady hand. From my home office I will read manuscripts, coordinate schedules, work with a design team and tackle a host of other daily tasks necessary to produce JCN while simultaneously managing my household of four. Working from home requires self-discipline-something is always calling my name, beckoning to be completed.
I enjoy the opportunity to use my editorial skills and work primarily from home. We live in a small town a few miles from Madison, Wisconsin. Bob and I have been married thirteen-and-a-half years. Our two children keep us busy with football, soccer, social and church-related activities. I also coordinate a women's Bible study at church.
For relaxation and renewal I enjoy reading, sweating at the health club, time with friends and family, coffee and chocolate. I am falling more and more in love with a personal God who loves me more than I'll ever understand or appreciate.
Since 1985 I have worked in various positions in the Christian publishing industry. I look forward to teaming with NCF/JCN to bring you a magazine that provides encouragement and resources to help you remain steady while caring for people who need comfort and healing.
I feel that God has clearly opened this door of opportunity for me to work with JCN. My skills and interests exactly match the role of a managing editor. That I can fully embrace the mission and ministry of InterVarsity makes working an investment with eternal rewards.
I trust you'll be challenged and encouraged by the stories and articles you read in JCN. While managing this magazine, I anticipate learning about your work world. I look forward to going to work with you. It is with each of you in my mind and prayers that I will be working on this publication.
Cathy Walker
Please welcome Cathy with me. Pray for us in the transition. Melodee and I have been a well-oiled team for a long time. I will miss her greatly. She has learned to think my thoughts and anticipate my needs, so I will be learning to communicate more explicitly all over again. Melodee is not going away entirely, though; she will still be involved with JCN as a freelance proofreader.
Please note, too, that with a new managing editor comes a new address: JCN Managing Editor, P.O. Box 7895, Madison, WI 53707-7895. Phone: (608) 274-4823, extension 379. E-mail: http://jcn.meivcf.org.