
  1. Reinkraut , Jacob
  2. Khokhar , Adeen
  3. Abdou , Sarah
  4. Wali , Sonya
  5. Bell , Desmond


The human body possesses the unique ability to repair itself after injury through complex, sequential phases. Current development of advanced wound care therapies generally focuses on addressing a single aspect of this biological process that can result in delayed or ineffective wound healing. When patients present with further systemic and local confounding pathologies, it can result in painful, chronic wounds that are especially challenging to treat.In this case report, the authors demonstrate how treatment with a novel multimodal wound matrix expedited healing and decreased pain in two patients who had each been unresponsive to treatment with advanced modalities for more than 7 months. The first patient had factor V Leiden, and the second patient had sickle cell disease. Use of a once-weekly treatment protocol with the multimodal wound matrix, combined with sharp debridement when deemed clinically necessary, resulted in elimination of pain and expedited wound healing to closure. The wound matrix’s omega fatty acid-based formulation is designed to target multiple factors common among hard-to-heal wounds that when not addressed can adversely inhibit the wound-healing cascade.