
  1. Krieger , Maxwell
  2. Bessey , Sam
  3. Abadin , Salma
  4. Akhtar , Wajiha
  5. Bowman , Sarah
  6. DiVincenzo , Sheila
  7. Duong , Ellen
  8. House , JoAnna
  9. Lai , Evelyn
  10. Latham , Jennifer
  11. Park , Carolyn
  12. Pratty , Claire
  13. Rein , Blaise
  14. Amand , Katie St
  15. Gray , Jesse Yedinak
  16. Wilson , Michelle
  17. Goedel , William


While several studies have outlined best practices for data dashboards, this is among the first to examine incorporating these practices into a spatiotemporal decision tool designed specifically for community organizations. Project SIGNAL demonstrates that by incorporating design best practices and pairing data dashboards with hands-on training, we can empower community leaders to utilize advanced spatiotemporal methods to identify health disparities and take localized action.