
  1. Decker , Robert Wayne
  2. Parker , Joseph Mickler
  3. Lorber , Jeremy
  4. Crea , Roberto
  5. Thibaudeau , Karen


Intravenous plasminogen replacement therapy for patients with plasminogen deficiency type 1 (hypoplasminogenemia) was recently approved for marketing in the US. In this case report, the authors describe a 33-year-old man with hypoplasminogenemia who developed nonhealing postsurgical wounds following trauma to his right hand despite receiving standard treatment for 4 months. The patient was enrolled in a compassionate-use protocol with intravenous plasminogen replacement therapy and experienced prompt resolution of surgical wounds. He was the first human patient to receive replacement therapy with plasminogen, human-tvmh in the US and first to demonstrate cutaneous wound healing in addition to resolution of ligneous lesions attributable to plasminogen deficiency type 1.