
  1. Goldfield, Norbert MD, Editor

Article Content

This issue of the journal focuses on differing aspects of quality that have not been sufficiently emphasized in the health management literature.


The article by Keating analyzes probably one of the most important aspects of quality-trust. The article on culture of safety from the ECRI expands on the topic of trust. Simply put, a culture of safety cannot exist without trust and vice versa; having both of these concepts implemented together makes the job of risk management much easier. The next article in this series deals with risk management tips for ambulatory surgery centers. Public disclosure of measurable dimensions of quality represents another piece of the quality management equation, and the concluding article in this set focuses on different aspects of quality measurement- specifically the issue of single versus composite measures.


In the last issue of the journal, we featured several articles that analyzed aspects on (for me) the fundamental aspect of quality- empowerment. Deepa Narayan has explored this concept from a theoretical, nonhealthcare perspective and we are pleased to reprint an excerpt of her work.


In addition to specific quality measures, there are many other aspects of reaching/marketing to consumers. The next set of articles deal with some of these issues. Peter Boland's article deals with the use of cellular phone technology in quality improvement. This application may very well appeal to younger individuals with chronic asthma, the disease the article focuses on. Another application is facility design, and the next article details quality management approaches for our ever-increasing numbers of extremely obese patients.


Low-income populations continues to be a focus of this journal and the next 2 articles examine issues of access and challenges to smoking for these populations.


We conclude with our column from the Republic of Texas. Our Human Rights column this time focuses on issues of rights for Palestinian women.


Norbert Goldfield, MD, Editor