
  1. Caliendo , Eric
  2. Lowder , Ryan
  3. McLaughlin , Matthew J.
  4. Watson , William D.
  5. Baum , Katherine T.
  6. Blackwell , Laura S.
  7. Koterba , Christine H.
  8. Hoskinson , Kristen R.
  9. Tlustos , Sarah J.
  10. Shah , Sudhin A.
  11. Suskauer , Stacy J.
  12. Kurowski , Brad G.


This multicenter study indicates that there is variable use of MPH during acute inpatient rehabilitation for children with TBI. Children who receive MPH tend to be older with lower cognitive states. Dosing practices are likely consistent with underdosing. Clinical indications for MPH use during inpatient pediatric rehabilitation should be better defined. The use of MPH, as well as its combination with other medications and treatments, during inpatient rehabilitation needs to be further explored.