
  1. Woo, Kevin MSc, RN, ACNP GNC(C)
  2. Ayello, Elizabeth A. PhD, RN, APRN,BC, CWOCN, FAPWCA, FAAN
  3. Sibbald, R. Gary BSc, MD, FRCPC (Med) (Derm), FAPWCA, MEd


PURPOSE: To provide practitioners with information about advanced treatment options related to the edge effect of chronic wounds.


TARGET AUDIENCE: This continuing education activity is intended for physicians and nurses with an interest in wound care.


OBJECTIVES: After reading the article and taking the test, the reader should be able to:


1. Describe the DIME model and the normal wound healing process.


2. Identify differences in the physiologic responses of chronic wounds from acute wounds.


3. Discuss advanced treatment modalities for healing chronic wounds.



ADV SKIN WOUND CARE 2007;20:99-117; quiz 118-9.