
brain injury, communication disorders, language tests, outcome assessment, rehabilitation, reliability and validity



  1. Douglas, Jacinta M. PhD
  2. Bracy, Christine A. PhD
  3. Snow, Pamela C. PhD


Objective: Further psychometric evaluation of a measure designed to assess communication ability after traumatic brain injury (TBI).


Design: Internal consistency, test-retest reliability, and validity for self-report and close-other versions of the tool were evaluated.


Participants: Eighty-eight adults with severe TBI (mean posttraumatic amnesia 53.12 days) and 71 close others (relatives or friends).


Measure: The La Trobe Communication Questionnaire (LCQ), a 30-item questionnaire that measures cognitive-communication ability from multiple perspectives.


Results: Internal consistency coefficients were above 0.9 and test-retest reliability exceeded 0.80. The questionnaire was sensitive to the effect of severity of injury.


Conclusion: The La Trobe Communication Questionnaire is a promising tool for measuring perceived communication ability in adults with severe TBI.