
  1. Mahon, Noreen E.
  2. Yarcheski, Adela
  3. Yarcheski, Thomas J.
  4. Cannella, Barbara L.
  5. Hanks, Michele M.

Article Content

Several errors were inadvertantly included in the original publication of this article in Nursing Research, 55(5), 308-315. A corrected version of Table 2 is included here. Additional corrections are listed below.

Table 2 - Click to enlarge in new windowTABLE 2. Significance Levels and Effect Sizes for Each of the Predictors of Loneliness

The publisher regrets these errors, and any inconvenience caused.


Page 309, under the heading "Methods-Sample," the third sentence should read, "Online computer searches, the ancestry approach, and informal sources of information were used."


Page 310, under the heading "Results-Sample," the fourth sentence should read,"The dissertations were all conducted in the United States."


Page 314, the corresponding author's correct zipcode is 07102.