This 2-month quasi-experimental study focused on the impact of education regarding the Mediterranean diet on symptoms for adults who are at risk for nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). The study was conducted on a sample of 28 adults who presented to Pinnacle clinical research for NAFLD screening via a fibroscan. These individuals who are at risk for NAFLD received a single 15-minute one-on-one in person education regarding the Mediterranean diet. The diet encourages fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts, seeds, fish, and olive oil. The results of the study showed that the Mediterranean diet education was associated with significant improvement of abdominal symptoms (t = 3.34, p = .03), improvement of fatigue symptoms (t = 5.88, p < .001), and decrease in hepatic steatosis (t = 5.77, p < .001). Our study suggests that the education on the Mediterranean diet may be associated with improvement of self-reported abdominal symptoms, fatigue, and steatosis score.