
crush injuries, hypoxia, microarray analysis



  1. Schneider, Barbara S.
  2. Petereit, Juli
  3. Zhang, Liyuan
  4. Voss, Joachim G.


Background: Aeromedical evacuation provides critical care during long-distance transport of injured victims between medical facilities. Often, these victims sustain muscle trauma related to mechanical insults, such as crush. Understanding the effects of flight on injured muscle is important because the aircraft cabin represents an external environment with mild hypoxia-the cabin's altitude is 2,438 m instead of sea level. Because mild hypobaric hypoxia can alter gene expression in normal muscle and affect recovery patterns, it is beneficial to examine whether this type of hypoxia may also alter injury-related genes.


Objective: The objective of this study was to verify the hypothesis that differential gene expression occurs in response to mild hypobaric hypoxia exposure in crush-injured muscle during two early recovery (preregeneration stage) time points.


Methods: Twenty-four female mice were anesthetized, and the right gastrocnemius muscle underwent crush injury. Approximately 24 hours later, mice were exposed to normobaric normoxia or hypobaric hypoxia for 8-9 hours. After 32 or 48 hours of recovery, the mice were euthanized, and the right and left lateral gastrocnemius muscles were collected for microarray and bioinformatics analyses.


Results: The study hypothesis was verified. There were 353 highly upregulated, differentially expressed genes identified in the injured muscle compared to the uninjured muscle. Mid1 was upregulated in both pressure conditions regardless of injury status. There were 52 and 15 differentially expressed genes at 32 and 48 hours postinjury, respectively, in the hypobaric hypoxia-exposed, injured muscle compared to the normobaric normoxia-exposed, injured muscle. The macrophage gene Cd68 correlated with other leukocyte-related genes.


Discussion: These findings expand our understanding of the genetic changes that occur in muscle in response to a crush injury, including those related to the macrophage protein CD68. Nursing interventions addressing adequate functioning after crush muscle injury may need to consider the effects on Cd68 and its closely related genes. In addition, our results suggest a responsiveness of the gene Mid1 to flight-relevant hypobaric hypoxia. Changes in the expression of Mid1 may be appropriate in assessing the long-term health of flight crew members.