
Injury, Safety education, School, School reentry program



  1. Cook, Becky S. RN, MSN, CPNP
  2. Ricketts, Crystal D. PhD
  3. Brown, Rebeccah L. MD
  4. Garcia, Victor F. MD
  5. Falcone, Richard A. Jr MD


ABSTRACT: We hypothesized that using the teachable moment associated with an injured classmate, school-aged children would demonstrate improved retention of injury prevention education. The injured child's class and one control with presentation class received an injury prevention presentation. Prospective evaluation was performed using pre, immediate post, and 1-month posttesting. Immediately following the presentation, 83% of classes in both groups demonstrated significant improvement in test scores. At 1 month, 100% of the injured child's and only 66% of control with presentation classrooms maintained significant improvements. This unique program results not only in immediate but also in long-term retention of injury prevention information.