
  1. Setu-Malala, Peata RN

Article Content

I applaud the efforts of the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene to address the seriousness of diabetes ("Bold Move in the Big Apple," AJN Reports, June). However, mandating the reporting of serum glycosylated hemoglobin test results in the hope that this will "lead to savings in lives and costs" could position insurance companies to use these results as an assessment tool to decline insurance for high-risk clients or raise the cost to prohibitive levels. Without a reliable insurance policy many people wouldn't be able to afford basic medical care, which could discourage them from seeking proper medical attention. As a result, complications of diabetes would increase and not be addressed until they have progressed, sometimes dangerously. Morbidity and mortality rates would increase, in turn increasing the financial drain on Medicare, disability programs, and Medicaid.


Peata Setu-Malala, RN


Louisville, KY


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