Objectives: The aim of this study was to determine the influence of predisposing, reinforcing, and enabling factors of nicotine dependence among young adults in a rural community.
Study Design: A quantitative, predictive-correlational cross-sectional study was done among 190 young adults in a rural community utilizing compact segmental sampling.
Methods: Data were collected from August to October 2018 utilizing a validated robotfoto, adapted determinants of smoking questionnaire, and Fagerstrom test to assess nicotine dependence. Stepwise multiple linear regression was used in predicting the relationship between the predictors and nicotine dependence.
Results: Reinforcing and enabling factors influenced nicotine dependency. The influence of other relatives ([beta] = .179, p = .023) and radio advertisements ([beta] = -.224, p = .008) as well as availability (access) to cigarettes ([beta] = .228, p = .003) were significant predictors of nicotine dependency in the rural community.
Conclusion: Identified predictors can help form policies that can help address the availability of cigarettes and advertisements (radio) that can influence nicotine dependence among young adults in a rural community. Furthermore, the influence of other relatives (extended family) can be a factor that can increase the development of nicotine dependence.