
  1. Coyne, Brian J. M.Ed, RCEP

Article Content

The Dubach Health Outreach Project (DUHOP) is a three year community project to increase health awareness, physical activity, and compliance with published dietary recommendations. The DUHOP strives to identify residents with obesity and related cardiovascular disorders and assist residents in reducing the risk of obesity, diabetes, and hypertension. The targeted population (39% minority) was recruited from the local community with 180 people participating from a possible 800. Participating residents ranged from adolescent to the elderly. Modeled after the "WIN The Rockies" program, all participants were screened for fasting glucose and lipid profile, blood pressure, body composition, and metabolic syndrome. At the conclusion of the screenings, point of testing counseling was given to each participant. After the screenings, community groups led by trained mentors were formed to further health awareness, physical activity, and compliance with dietary recommendations. Initial screenings showed a greater number of participants at risk for chronic diseases than were aware prior to the screenings; all variables showed more participants at risk than had knowledge. For example, 12 participants knew they were diabetic, but 38 residents were identified at risk for diabetes or diabetic. Point of testing counseling was given to each participant specific to their results and potential chronic diseases and benefits of the counseling include: immediate feedback to the participants, increased receptivity to instruction, potentially the only encounter/chance for health education, referral to a local physician if needed or their primary care physician, and a copy of their individual results. All participants were encouraged to make lifestyle modifications and get involved with the community groups. Data will also be presented comparing the initial screenings to the 6 month screenings; overall results have been positive and show community health awareness progression.