
  1. Curry, Kim PhD, FNP-C, FAANP
  2. Editor-in-Chief

Article Content

There is no doubt that writing for publication is a marathon-length endeavor and not a quick sprint down the road. Understandably, fatigue sets in as authors transform work into publishable material and then wait through a lengthy peer review and editing process. The relief when a manuscript is accepted after much time and effort can be profound. However, that is not the time to sit back and relax. Think of it as a time to celebrate. Some party planning is in order, but you will need to make sure it is the kind of celebration of achievement that moves your career forward. One thing you will need to plan is how to "publicize your publication" or to ensure that your published article is as visible as possible.


The importance to authors of postpublication marketing strategies cannot be overstated, yet many of us tend to overlook it. It is smart to remember that thousands of articles are published each year in nursing and other health sciences. Authors do themselves a disservice if they do not ensure that their hard work is it being read and discussed. This promotes and enhances future scholarship plans. If you are not already engaging with media to help you spread the word, it is time to take a few quick and easy steps to do so.


Think of it this way: Your manuscript has sprouted wings and is flying off. Now your job is to make sure it stays aloft and travels far. Feature articles published in JAANP include a graphic that displays all mentions of the article in the media. Article citations and media views are included in the article's metrics, or visibility scores. In JAANP, each article's webpage includes its Altmetrics score for all viewers to see. Authors can increase their own Altmetrics score by engaging with media, including social media, to ensure the article is visible and being discussed.


There are several benefits to authors of engaging in postpublication publicity for each article. By actively marketing the publication, authors increase the chance that the article will be noticed and cited by authors in the future. Citations, or the number of times your article is used as a reference in another article, can add up quickly over a career and enhance the reputation of authors involved in highly cited publications. In addition, by making sure important information in the article is widely disseminated and discussed, authors often find themselves receiving speaker invitations and locating colleagues with similar interests who can serve as future collaborators.


At JAANP, we assist authors in this effort by working with our publisher, Lippincott, to notify AANP members of articles published in each issue of the journal. We also highlight some of our feature articles in AANP SmartBrief, and we tweet about selected features. Each month, a podcast that mentions and provides an overview of the journal's features is created and posted to our website. Our monthly podcasts feature a brief interview with one of the authors featured in the issue. Podcasts are available to AANP members and nonmembers alike. They are popular globally, with hundreds of users each month. However, these efforts cannot equal the efforts of individual authors promoting their work.


In addition to the support provided by the journal and publisher, there are several specific tips for authors that should not be overlooked. As you read through these, please note that mention of social media platforms and other brands does not imply endorsement. It is just an acknowledgement that they are used at times for professional communication. Here are a few tips:


First, every publication should be shared on social media. Many people use Twitter to communicate about work life, and you, along with millions of others, will see many savvy authors tweeting about their latest manuscripts. Be sure to include this in your publicity plan. Although Facebook and Instagram tend to be used for more personal items, there are Facebook groups that may be appropriate for your material. Best practices for social media include double checking spelling and grammar, keep the information brief, and include a link whenever possible. On Twitter, use one or two relevant hashtags to ensure key individuals or groups see your work.


In addition to social media, have you made a plan to present a poster or give a presentation about your material? Think of these as ways to get additional mileage from the work you have done. Although these methods will not reach as many people as social media, by targeting conferences in your specialty area, you will reach a more tailored audience of like-minded individuals.


Be sure to share your abstract in your work or school setting. It is also permissible to share a few copies of your manuscript with colleagues or interested students. Also consider volunteering for a podcast or creating a short YouTube video about your work. You can even call a local TV station to discuss your findings. Media outlets are always in search of pertinent health topics and nurses are popular guests. Finally, do not forget to update your CV and your profile in LinkedIn and Doximity, if you use them.


It may be hard to believe, but authors have a great deal of control over how much traction, or influence, their work will have, simply by being assertive and repetitive about pointing it out. An infographic "Increasing the impact of your publication" is available on our website for your use.