NAON Executive Board Election:
NAON members, please visit the NAON website to cast your vote in the 2023 Executive Board Election!
The election will begin mid-January and will run until mid-February.
To apply for the NAON ONE Award, please visit the NAON Website and navigate to the Awards page (listed under the "About" tab).
NAON Outstanding Orthopaedic Nurse Practice (OONP) Award
To find more information about the NAON OONP Award, please visit the NAON Website and navigate to the Awards page (listed under the "About" tab).
NAON Congress
Mark your calendars for May 6-9, 2023 to join NAON in Pittsburgh, PA for the 43rdAnnual Congress.
NAON Education 2022 Product Releases:
8thEdition Core Curriculum for Orthopaedic Nursing, 8thEdition
A complete overview of orthopaedic nursing practice used as a desk reference for staff nurses or a study preparation tool for those seeking orthopaedic certification. Don't hesitate to order your first Core Curriculum textbook or update your resource library to the Core 8th Edition.
Core Curriculum for Orthopaedic Nursing, 8thEdition Test. You've asked for it and we've compiled over 200 questions for certification review assessment available as a practice test product in the NAON Online Education Center. The test dashboard provides a summary page, as well as allows for the learner to Review the test multiple times. Each test attempt will provide scores with a completion date.
NAON's Ortho Trauma Online Course Part 1-NAON's online Trauma Course is a stand alone course offering self-guided education to the orthopaedic nurse for various trauma injuries such as blunt, blast, or crush type injuries, traumatic spine, acute complications and includes pharmacology recommendations.
NAON's Ortho Trauma Online Course Part 2- Now available in the NAON Education Catalog. In this stand-alone course, Part 2 of NAON's Orthopaedic discusses trauma topics such as initial presentation & inpatient management, fractures, wounds & infections, and patient discharge. Throughout the course check your knowledge with assessment questions or an interactive case study to prepare the learner for real life cases. Learners may use the course for certification study for the ONC or ONP-C, as well as providing education specifically to the nurse who practices in a trauma setting.
NAON's Orthopaedic Nurse Navigator (ONN) Course-Look for this online course available in the NAON Education Catalog. This course provides an excellent resource for the novice Orthopaedic Navigator who is new to the role, as well as the competent navigator who is looking to improve or expand the facility's program. This course is self-guided and the learner has the ability to navigate around the course menu.
Check out NAON's Certification Products
Orthopaedic Nursing Review Course (ONRC) at Congress
Are you looking for a live taught certification review course? NAON will offer an ONRC on May 5th, 2023 in Pittsburgh PA. Registration and Fee information can be found on the 43rd Annual Congress event page.
Online Orthopaedic Nursing Review Course
NAON's Online Orthopaedic Nursing Review Course is a great option for preparation for the certification exam. This self-paced online course includes all the content taught in our live Orthopaedic Nursing Review Course. Our online module has updated graphics, interactivity, and questions and answers. Also included is the course syllabus with additional supplemental material to enhance your learning experience. Earn 7.5 category A contact hours.
Orthopaedic Knowledge Self-Assessment
The NAON Orthopaedic Knowledge Self-Assessment is a compilation of over 100 on-line questions regarding nursing care of patients with musculoskeletal conditions and make an excellent study resource. The topics and questions are focused specifically to mirror the Orthopaedic Nursing Certification exam test blueprint.
ONP-C Knowledge Self-Assessment
The NAON ONP-C Knowledge Self-Assessment is a compilation of over 270 on-line questions for Orthopaedic Nurse Practitioners who provide care to patient populations with musculoskeletal conditions. The questions mirror the Orthopaedic Nurse Practitioner Nursing Certification exam test blueprint.
No Bones About It- NAON Podcast Series:
Be sure to subscribe to the No Bones About It podcast featuring current topics of conversation and leading voices in orthopaedics, hosted by former NAON Board member, Bryan Combs, PhD CRNP, FNP-BC, CNL, ATC. December's episode with Dr. McLaurin Breaking Barriers in Orthopaedics is now available. Be sure to subscribe to No Bones About It so you don't miss an episode.
Check out the NAON website Podcast page for more information about the series and this must hear episode.
NAON Webinars:
* NAON offers 10 Member Benefit Webinars and registration is open for the 2023 Member Benefit Webinar Series.
* If you miss the live broadcasts, premium members may register for the recordings for free.
* On the NAON Website, and in the Education Catalog, filter for "Recorded Webinar" when searching.
ONCB LearningBuilder
NAON has partnered with the ONCB to upload member's education activities into LearningBuilder, the ONCB's online certification maintenance system. NAON member activities automatically upload each month to make the audit process easier. The account is linked to a certificant's specific credential and certification expiration date. In order to ensure your credits are transferred over, the email address in your NAON member account must match the one used in the ONCB LearningBuilder.
Nurse Navigator Networking:
NAON is committed to offering networking and educational resources to our growing orthopaedic navigator community. Check out networking events below to discover new ways to share best practices, patient education improvements, program advances, and current interests. To learn more and view the monthly calendar, visit the NAON website.