Mobility is an often overlooked social determinant of health that broadly affects people of color's health. This study aimed to examine personal and community mobility challenges and opportunities among youth of color and partner to advance equitable community mobility. We conducted a community-based participatory research photovoice study using mobility justice principles from November 2020 to May 2021 with 10 youth of color from South Seattle, Washington. We conducted thematic content analysis of verbatim transcripts. Youth recommended infrastructure changes and free transit to facilitate safe, accessible mobility. Youth reported feeling vulnerable riding public transit alongside people experiencing mental health issues, while recognizing the dangers police can bring to people with mental health challenges and/or communities of color. They emphasized the importance of youth voice and intergenerational community discussions to inform policy making. We coorganized an online forum with youth to exchange ideas for advancing equitable mobility with their community and city leaders. Youth expressed feeling empowered and deepening dedication to mobility justice. Leaders should implement policy and infrastructure changes to enhance equitable mobility by incorporating youth and mobility justice principles in decision-making processes, pay youth for their time, employ facilitators of color, and offer technology support.