
  1. Vollman, Kathleen M. MSN, RN, CCNS, CCRN, FCCM

Article Content


To demonstrate a new model of CNS practice through motivational seminar education, with a call to action followed by virtual mentoring on changing practice and assistance with resources through Internet communication.



The virtual CNS role extends the impact of the role beyond the walls of an institution to offer this resource and expertise to staff nurses who want to make a difference but are unsure of how to get started.



There are a large number of organization that are not fortunate enough to have a CNS to help guide in evidence-based practice change and professional development of the staff.



The initial contact is made through delivery of educational seminars that provide evidence-based education with a strong motivational component to propel the staff nurse/educator or manager to have a desire to begin a grassroots initiative to improve practice. The offer to provide support through the Internet with mentoring of the change process and evidence-based resources is given. The financial compensation can be built into the seminar fee, or, with industry-sponsored seminars, the clinical follow through can be negotiated as a consulting fee.



With 2 full years of performing the virtual CNS role, the outcomes have been exciting. One organization's ICU started a practice committee and within 2 years had conducted 17 PI projects to improve practice. They presented a poster at a national meeting crediting the virtual CNS for inspiring their work. Multiple examples of evidence-based practice improvement through the virtual CNS role have helped to change nurses and patients' lives by evidence-based practice changes, including positioning, oral care, reducing infections, and early recognition and treatment of sepsis. The feedback to demonstrate success comes through many sources, including e-mail updates, publications, phone calls, and industry feedback.



The virtual CNS role stretches the traditional boundaries of improving clinical practice at the bedside.