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Dimensions of Critical Care Nursing would like to issue a call for abstracts from undergraduate and graduate nursing students for a new section called, "Student Abstracts." Both undergraduate and graduate nursing students in the area of critical care conduct much good research and I would like to share the results of this research with our readers. So many times, the results of this research is presented in the classroom setting and not disseminated to others. Here is an opportunity for those students to publish their abstracts.


If you would like to submit your research abstract, you must be either an undergraduate or graduate nursing student. Your research must be related to the area of critical care nursing.


Please submit the following:


Title of the Abstract


Your name and address


School of Nursing


No more than 2 paragraphs summarizing the research and its findings



Please submit the abstract to DCCN at:


Vickie Miracle, RN, EdD


424 Eastgate Village Wynde


Louisville, KY 40223


You could also fax it to 502-253-5560.


You could also e-mail it to mailto:[email protected].


Please submit your research and discover the pleasure of publishing.