If a registered nurse has made a positive contribution to your life, acknowledging and thanking her or him have just gotten a lot easier. http://HonorNurses.Org was designed to recognize and honor registered nurses for their expertise, contributions, and compassion. Although nurses have long been viewed by those they serve as trusted and competent allies who advocate for patients in courageous and caring ways, it has not always been easy to track them down to say thanks. http://HonorNurses.Org has been launched to make this possible.
Vision, strategy, and financial support for the Web site were contributed by the Patient's Best Interest Foundation, which has a twofold mission: (1) to help patients advocate and protect themselves when making healthcare decisions and (2)to recognize and honor their caregivers. The Foundation contributes to many established patient advocacy organizations. http://HonorNurses.Org is the first project to receive funding from the Foundation.
TLContact, the developer of http://Carepages.com, a personalized private homepage service for people who are facing hospitalization, chronic illness, pregnancy, or extended care, designed the search engine that made http://HonorNurses.Org a reality. In addition to their gift of technology, TLContact also provided generous and significant donations of time, people, and resources.
Nursing Spectrum/Nurseweek, an RN-led communications company that celebrates nurses and the profession of nursing (in print and on their award-winning Web sites), will manage the http://HonorNurses.Org "Nurses in the News" page. This will highlight the many ways nurses are making a difference and being honored for their contributions within the profession and the community.
Many more individual nurses have provided advice, counsel, and inspiration to the Foundation in establishing this Web site. To see their work, please visit http://www.HonorNurse.org.